Been touch

Title: TDS Beentouch


TDS Beentouch is a dynamic multimedia platform dedicated to delivering the latest trends and news from both national and international markets. With a comprehensive approach, TDS Beentouch offers articles, podcasts, and news videos, ensuring that its audience stays informed about the most significant developments across various industries and regions. Whether it's breaking news, insightful analysis, or in-depth coverage, TDS Beentouch is committed to keeping its viewers updated and engaged with the rapidly evolving global landscape.


One of the primary challenges was seamlessly integrating various types of media content into the WordPress platform. While WordPress supports different media formats, ensuring that podcasts, videos, and PDFs were properly embedded and displayed across different devices and screen sizes required careful customization and testing.


To seamlessly integrate various media content types into the WordPress platform and ensure proper display across diverse devices and screen sizes, a multifaceted approach is crucial. This involves leveraging responsive design principles to adapt layout and styling dynamically, utilizing HTML5 video and audio players for native browser support, embedding services like YouTube and SoundCloud for responsive media display, customizing embed codes and conducting thorough testing for compatibility, implementing lazy loading techniques for improved performance, employing CDNs for optimized content delivery, and optimizing media files to reduce loading times without compromising quality. By implementing these strategies, TDS Beentouch can effectively deliver news podcasts, videos, and PDFs to its audience while enhancing the overall user experience across different devices and platfor


  • Elementor Integration:
    • The first step involved installing and activating the Elementor plugin within the WordPress dashboard. Utilizing Elementor's intuitive drag-and-drop interface, I designed the layout of the website, incorporating dedicated sections for articles, podcasts, videos, and PDFs. Elementor's extensive widget library allowed for seamless integration of various media elements, such as text, images, audio players, and document embeds, enhancing the visual appeal and functionality of the website.
  • Custom CSS Styling:
    • Agent dashboard for property management Customization options for agents Subscription model for access to features Lead management tools for agents Automated property addition through XML file sync
  • Testing and Refinement:
    • Following the implementation of Elementor and custom CSS, extensive testing was conducted to validate the functionality and responsiveness of the website across various devices and screen sizes. Utilizing Elementor's live preview feature, I iteratively refined the design, making adjustments to the custom CSS code as needed to optimize visual consistency and user experience. This iterative process ensured that the final website design met the project's objectives and provided an engaging and accessible platform for accessing news content in different media formats.


The successful implementation of the TDS Beentouch website on WordPress using Elementor and custom CSS has yielded a visually appealing and functional platform for accessing news content in various media formats. The integration of Elementor's drag-and-drop interface facilitated the creation of a dynamic layout, featuring dedicated sections for articles, podcasts, videos, and PDFs. With Elementor's extensive widget library, media elements such as text, images, audio players, and document embeds were seamlessly incorporated, enhancing the website's interactivity and engagement.


Through rigorous testing and refinement, the website's functionality and responsiveness were thoroughly validated, guaranteeing optimal performance and accessibility. Utilizing Elementor's live preview feature, iterative adjustments were made to the custom CSS code, fine-tuning the design to meet the project's objectives and user experience goals. The result is a polished and user-friendly news website that effectively delivers content in articles, podcasts, videos, and PDFs, catering to the diverse needs of TDS Beentouch's audience.
